This April the kids were out of school for 5 days for spring break. We decided that since we couldnt go out of town we were going to do fun activities every day. So Thursday we took the kids bowling they had a blast. CC and Baylee were hilarious they kept competing against each other CC one the first game and Baylee the second. And of course Jeff beat us all!!! and had to keep rubbing it in!! Friday we went the Jump N Bounce cause we had free passes to get in. They all loved it we were there for 3 hours and they did not want to leave. Saturday we got haircuts for the boys so they would look good for Easter. Andrew came Easter shopping with me and we had a blast I love that he can help in all that now its fun to have him pick out stuff for his sisters!!

I told the kids this year that we weren't going to decorate Easter eggs cause I'm tired of being the one to deal with it all while Jeff watches TV. I hate the fights and the spills over the colors with 5 kids so I didn't want to deal with it this year. Ciarra says to me " but I'm still your baby and you cant not do it for me" So of course feeling guilty while Jeff was visiting his parents with the kids me and Andrew boiled and got all the eggs ready so they could color them when they got home. One of these days the Easter bunny is not going to come and worry about this anymore hopefully in 3 years we can stop!!!

Easter was a blast the kids had a lot of fun!! The girls loved getting their hair all curled and couldn't wait to put on their new dresses and shoes!! They were so funny telling me the real reason why we celebrate Easter and to celebrate the gift of birth and new life!! And they went crazy posing thinking they were all sexy divas we laughed and had a good time all day. We enjoyed a relaxing dinner at grandpa and grandmas and had a fun easter egg hunt afterwards. I for one have always loved Easter, seeing all the girls in their new dresses and the boys in their new shirts and ties is like going to a fashion show!! But I still hate coloring eggs!!!!

On Monday on their last day off of school the boys decided they wanted to hang out with their friends so me and the girls went to a movie. Baylee picked "HOP" what a cute movie!! They loved it Baylee kept getting mad at Ciarra cause when she is enjoying herself in a movie and loving it she has to comment on everything. So she kept telling her to shut up!! Other than Baylee getting mad and frustrated with her we had a good time. I love having mommy, daughter dates with my girls. They grow up so fast and I hope they will always want to hang out with their cool mom even after they are 16 and they hate me!!